Bed bugs are back! Read our blog for tips and tricks for the prevention and removal of bed bugs.Sad but true,ย bed bugsย are back to haunt you.
Althoughย bed bugsย were nearly eradicated several years ago, they have made a bold resurgence in America–and around the world.
It could be because of an increase in world travel. Or lack of education. It could be due to overcrowding in urban areas. Or because of the crack down on chemicals like DDT.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT/I don’t care ’bout spots on my apples, leave me the birds and the bees, please…
Whatever the reason, it’s important to realize that the threat ofย bed bugsย is real and worthy of attention.
Oh, the places we will go
Bed bugsย are quite theย hitchhikers. They’ll grab a ride on whatever they can:
*ย Used furniture from stores, garage sales, relatives, dumpsters:ย Couches, beds, chairs, mattresses, love seats, etc., etc. Bed bugs hang out on furniture so they can get to you, their meal.
*ย Clothing: Have you stayed in a hotel recently? Bed bugs love your luggage, especially when you put it on the floor, on the bed, or in the dressers. New college student in a not-so-new dorm room? Bed bugs have parties, too. They wait for you to get their party started. Are you a couch surfer? You may be the gnarly wave that a bed bug rides in on. Bed bugs can also be found in clothing stores. But believe us, clothes with bugs in them aren’t a bargain.
*ย Outlets: Have you ever wondered how bed bugs get from one room to another? Besides using people as a vehicle, they will also go through the outlets in the walls. They travel through phone jacks and through holes in the ceiling or floor, too.
*ย Movie Theaters:ย People like movies. People sit in seats. Bed bugs fall off people. Other people sit in seats. Bed bugs get on new people.
For more information on bed bugs, please visit theย All Things Bed Bugs website. It’s a great resource with tons of tips. For example, here are links to their tips for:
College Students
The Office
If you discover bed bugs in your home, office, or dorm room, it’s important to call a professional. Bed bugs are not a do-it-yourself pest and they are tough to get rid of. For peace of mind and professional service, call The Bug Man at 615.217.7284 today to set up an appointment.
For more on bed bugs, here’s aย stellar article from TODAY Health.
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Snug as a Bed Bug in a Rug: Tips for Dealing with Bed Bugs in Central Tennessee
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