The Bug Man found termite activity in Murfreesboro and surrounding areas.
Termite season is in full swing here in Murfreesboro and surrounding areas. ย Most of the calls we are fielding ย this week are in regards to active termite swarms. ย We have had calls from Mt. Juliet, Lebanon, Smyrna, Rockvale, and Murfreesboro. ย The termites are swarming now that the weather is warming up, the humidity is high, and the sun is beginning to shine. ย Termites swarm in order to establish a new colony. ย When the termites swarm and leave the existing colony, they fly towards the sunlight in search of a mate. ย If the termites swarm outside, they will drift in the wind, land, break off their wings, locate a mate, and return back into the soil to begin a new colony. ย But, the termites that swarm inside will usually fly towards windows and other light sources. ย They will all die if they are unable to find a mate and return to soil. ย When this happens, most homeowners will usually find the swarmer termites and wings around the windows, doors, or lights. ย This is an indication that an inspection and ย treatment is needed. ย Here is a photo of termite shelter tubes that our technician found in a crawl space at a house in Christiana that had an active termite swarm on Friday.
Swarming termites are not the biggest concern
The swarming termites are not the real problem in a home, it is the worker termites hidden inside the walls that concern us. ย They are the ones that feed on the cellulose (wood) of your home and cause the damage. ย The worker termites are responsible for building the tunnels, feeding the colony, and all of the general duties of the colony, ย The workers are the termites that get the work done! ย But the swarming termites are definitely a sign that you have a problem! ย When you see the termite swarmers, it is time to call The Bug Man. ย When our trained technicians arrive on site, they will inspect the home, note their findings, review the information with the property owner, answer any questions, and provide a solution for the termite infestation. ย The Bug Man uses Termidor HE for all of our termite treatments. ย Termidor has been proven as the best termite solution in the industry, and that is why The Bug Man has teamed up with the makers of ย Termidor, BASF.
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Termite Activity Found in Murfreesboro, TN in Central Tennessee
Serving Central Tennessee