Mosquito Problems? The Bug Man Can Rescue You!

mosquito problems in Central TN

Spring is finally here in Tennessee and with it, the warm sun, rain, and blooming flowers. However, these aren’t the only accompaniments to springtime. Mosquitoes are emerging and are here to stay for the months ahead. It can be very difficult to enjoy spending outdoors this time of year when mosquitoes are so active during much of the day. This makes it important to learn not only how to prevent mosquitoes, but how to get rid of them if you already have an infestation. The mosquito control experts are here to help—read on to learn more!

Mosquito Prevention 101

When it comes to mosquitoes, we recommend that each person take steps to help with the mosquito populations.  Our top tips are to:

  1. Drain all standing water from the yard, including buckets, bird baths, old tires, planters, and toys. Mosquitoes can lay eggs in just a capful of water! 
  2. While outside during mosquito season, it is recommended to use a repellent to help keep the mosquitoes from biting. Just be sure to read the label instructions for proper use.
  3. To prevent bites, wear light or bright colored clothing. If it is cool enough at dawn and dusk, wear pants and long sleeved shirts to limit skin exposure.
  4. For the ultimate protection against mosquitoes, team up with your local mosquito control experts at The Bug Man, who can provide targeted treatments.

Mosquito Management With The Bug Man

If you have a mosquito problem, the team at The Bug Man can come to your rescue. Our mosquito management service consists of the following steps to keep you mosquito-free:

  1. An inspection of your property.
  2. Removal or recommended removal of breeding sites.
  3. Application a larvicide to areas of standing water.
  4. Application of a residual adulticide to the bushes, shrubs, and other resting sites around the perimeter of the outdoor living areas.  

Say Goodbye to Mosquito Problems in Murfreesboro TN

If you want to enjoy your time spent outside this spring and summer, it’s important to team up with your local mosquito control experts. At The Bug Man, we know how to prevent mosquitoes from bothering you or your family. Contact us today to get started!

What to Know About the Emerging Brood-X Cicadas

What to Know About the Emerging Brood-X Cicadas

This May, we’re in for a rare occurrence here in Murfreesboro TN: the emergence of the Brood-X Cicadas! After being underground for 17 years, the massive swarms of cicadas are about to emerge in late May through early June throughout 14 eastern states. Whether you view this event with delight or disgust, it’s important to prepare by learning about these cicadas. The experts at The Bug Man are here to help. Keep reading to find out everything you should know about the Brood X cicadas!

All About Brood-X Cicadas

This spring and summer, you’re about to hear a lot about the Brood X cicadas. If you’re unfamiliar, this brood emerges just once every 17 years—meaning the last emergence was all the way back in 2004! Unlike your typical cicada, Brood X cicadas are slightly frightening insects that are up to two inches long with a 3-inch wingspan and bright red, beady eyes.

Most people associate cicadas with the extremely loud noise they produce. Male cicadas are the noisy ones, producing nearly 100 decibels of sound. This deafening noise can be heard across long distances and is used to attract female cicadas.

When Do the Brood X Cicadas Emerge in Tennessee?

Scientists predict that the Brood X cicadas will emerge here in Virginia in late May. Here’s what to know about their life cycle during this time:

  1. When soil temperatures reach about 64 degrees Fahrenheit, the Brood X cicadas will emerge from the ground as nymphs.
  2. About 6 days later, the nymphs will morph into adult cicadas. This stage will last about 2-4 weeks.
  3. The adult male cicadas will use their tymbal to attract females. After mating, the females will lay her eggs in twigs on the ground.
  4. After mating, the adult cicadas will fall to the ground, providing nutrients for the animals and soil. This marks the beginning of the next 17-year period until Brood X cicadas emerge once more.


Are Brood X Cicadas Harmful?

As frightening as this event may be—especially with the massive swarms—Brood X cicadas pose little threat to humans or structures. In fact, cicadas are a feast for all types of animals, even your dogs. Cicadas feed on sap from tree roots, which will only threaten young trees and saplings. Cicadas have no interest in coming indoors, but keep your windows and doors shut during their emergence to keep them outside. Lastly, Brood X cicadas may look terrifying, but they do not bite, sting, or carry diseases.

How to Keep Brood X Cicadas Away

You may not want to deal with these cicadas, but there is little to do to prevent them. Spraying or applying a pesticide would do more harm than good. To stay protected from their emergence, consider covering any young trees and make sure to keep your windows and doors closed securely! To learn more about the Brood X cicadas, the experts at The Bug Man are here to help. Contact us today to learn more.

Termite Season is Once Again Knocking at the Door

Termite Season is Once Again Knocking at the Door

Termite season has officially started here in Murfreesboro TN. As soon as the weather warms up even a bit, termites become active. With our climate, termites are a problem for homeowners most of the year. Because they are such a dangerous pest problem, it’s crucial to learn what you need to do to prevent a termite infestation throughout the spring and summer months.

To help, the termite experts at The Bug Man are here to share all you need to know about termite season in our region. Read on to learn more!

The Start of Termite Season

When the weather breaks, the termites will begin to swarm. Swarming is when the new reproductive termites take flight looking for a new place to call home. The termite swarm will usually occur on a sunny, humid morning. Once the termites have swarmed, they find a mate, and attempt to return to the soil to begin a new life. Most of the swarming termites will die. If they swarm inside a house, they die. When they swarm outside, other predators such as birds, lizards, spiders, and other insects will dine on the termites.

How to Prevent Termites Throughout the Year

Many homeowners ask what they can do to protect their homes. The best way to stay protected against termite problems is to work with a professional termite exterminator. This ensures your home or business is inspected on a yearly basis for termites in order to stop an infestation before it begins. In addition, there are a number of things you can do to make your home less attractive to termites:

  1. Eliminate sources of standing water in or near the home and fix any moisture problems, such as a leaky faucet or broken water pipe.
  2. Ensure your yard has good drainage, avoid excess mulch, and clean out gutters regularly.
  3. Keep piles of lumber or firewood away from the foundation of your home, and eliminate any sources of decaying lumber.
  4. Regularly inspect your deck, patio, or outdoor furniture for signs of damage.
  5. Remove dead trees and branches from areas surrounding your yard.


Stop Termites This Year

Spring is the time termites swarm, so now is the time for an inspection! At The Bug Man, we will thoroughly check your home to seek out any vulnerabilities that could lead to a termite problem.

6 Factors That Put You At Risk For Termites

Termite identification in Murfreesboro TN; The Bug Man

Termites are a year-round pest problem for Tennessee residents. But what makes your home attractive to termites in the first place? Many people are under false pretenses that termites only infest wood. Unfortunately, there are many other factors at play that may put you at risk for an infestation. This Termite Awareness Week, the experts at The Bug Man are here to share all you need to know about what could unknowingly attract these destructive pests to your home. Read on to learn more!

Top Termite Risks Around Your Home

No matter what kind of home you live in, there are several things that could make you a hotspot for termite activity. Here are the top factors for termite infestations:

  1. Cellulose. Termites may be infamous for infesting wood, but they’re actually after the cellulose contained within! This cellulose is a main component that can be found in wallpaper, plants, mulch, drywall, and more.
  2. Moisture. Leaky pipes, broken sprinklers, or clogged gutters can all lead to moisture problems in your home. In turn, this could attract subterranean termites (not to mention hoards of other pests) inside.
  3. Access to soil. Subterranean termites need contact with soil to live. Any wood items, whether it’s your home, porch, or firewood in the yard, in contact with soil is at risk for a termite problem.
  4. Warmth. Termite problems are generally more common in warmer, humid parts of the world. This puts our Southern state at a higher risk of termite activity year-round.
  5. Decaying wood. If you have logs, trees, or stumps that are rotten or in decay, you can be sure termites will seek them out.
  6. Landscape. Termites can infest mulch, making it important to keep it away from the perimeter of your home. Also, trim back tree branches that may be too close to your property.


How to Protect Your Home From the Risk of Termites

Unsure if your property is vulnerable to termites? The best way to know if you are protected against termites is to work with a professional termite exterminator. A thorough home inspection will pinpoint anything in or around your property that could put you at risk for termites in the future.